Development partner appointed for new Lots Road homes

Published: Thursday 16 February 2023

Updated: Thursday 16 February 2023

The Lots Road community and Kensington and Chelsea Council have been working together on the appointment of a development partner to deliver significant improvements to the Lots Road area including new homes, employment opportunities and green spaces. 

The Leadership Team appointed developers Mount Anvil last night (Wednesday 15 February) following a process which included feedback from a Community Liaison Group made up of local Lots Road residents and businesses. The group have met with potential development partners over the past few months to provide views on their approach to working with the community on the proposals.

The Lots Road South project is a key site within the wider improvement plans for the Lots Road area and forms part of the Council’s New Homes Delivery Programme. The whole programme aims to build 600 homes across the borough, 300 of which are for social rent and key workers. 

The site is situated towards the south-western corner of the borough, overlooking Chelsea Creek and Lots Road Power Station, and with river access nearby, and currently houses the Lots Road Auction House and some Council services.

Local community views were sought at the start of this process and have helped to shape a design guide and planning approach for the area. The new scheme will deliver a mixture of homes including extra care social rent homes and homes for key workers with the potential for galleries, cafés and food spaces alongside employment and community space. 

The Lots Road Auction House will move off site temporarily and will return to a new and improved building on Lots Road once the scheme is completed.

Cllr Kim Taylor-Smith, Lead Member for Grenfell Housing, Housing and Social Investment, said: “The Lots Road South project is a significant and exciting opportunity to create yet another amazing space in the borough. To ensure that  specialist experience, expertise and funding is in place to deliver the scheme, we have appointed a development partner to work with the local community and Council, as the landowner, to deliver a project that will bring a host of enhancements to the area.”

Veronica Ricks, Community Liaison Group member and Principal of Heatherley’s School of Art said: “I am delighted to hear that Mount Anvil have been selected as development partner for the project. During the consultation process, they demonstrated that they had researched, and would be sympathetic in design to the preservation of maximum levels light to studios at the school and to the particular creative identity of the neighbourhood. I am pleased that this choice should achieve a good outcome for the school and future benefit for our community.”

Killian Hurley, CEO Mount Anvil, said: “I’m delighted that Kensington and Chelsea Council are entrusting Mount Anvil at Lots Road, having recognised our ability to deliver with certainty for their community. We work only in London and only in partnership with people who care about the long-term, like Kensington and Chelsea and the other boroughs that have welcomed us. It’s a privilege to be continuing to listen to and learn from the local community as we deliver quality extra care affordable homes and vibrant community and commercial space.”  

Mount Anvil, together with the Council will be starting further consultation with the local community later this year to design a scheme which will be submitted for planning permission. If approved, it is hoped work will start on site before the end of 2024.”