Land charges

Land charges

Please be advised that we only accept electronic submissions, please do not submit any documentation or cheques to the Town Hall. If you have any queries please email the team using the contact information on this page.

Local searches

When you buy a property, your solicitor will submit a local search request to our Local Land Charges Department. This can be either an official local authority search or a personal search.

Official local authority search

An official search can contain up to three parts: LLC1, CON29R and CON29O. You can submit these forms separately or combined in any order.

You can buy the forms from any law stationer. Send your completed forms to us by post or DX delivery to the address at the bottom of this page. Include a cheque made payable to The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Fees are detailed in the table below.

You can also submit your requests online via NLIS.

You will also need to include:

  • an up-to-date location plan 
  • comprehensive address for the location, including floor level(s) when searching against flats and maisonettes
  • all forms and plans submitted in duplicate

Read more on official local authority searches.

Personal search

A personal search is a copy of all the registrations that are held on the Local Land Charges Register against an address. Results from personal searches are free of charge under Environmental Information Regulations. 

Please make your requests by email to [email protected]. We aim to return your results by email within 10 working days. 

Read more about personal searches.

Summary of fees 2024-25

Fees effective from 1 April 2024.



VAT @ 20%


LLC1 only




CON29R only




(Full search equals £363 inclusive of VAT element)

Optional enquiries (each)




Additional parcels (each)




LLC1 Search (one part of register) £8.20 £0 £8.20

Copy of search results




Copy Documents (each)




Copies of Plans (each)




CON29R Planning Answers £18 £3.60 £21.60
Registration of a charge in Part 11 of the register (light obstruction notices) £81.80 £0 £81.80
Filing a definitive certificate of the Lands Tribunal under rule 10(3) in part 11 of the register (light obstruction charges) £4.70 £0 £4.70
Filing a judgement, order or application for the variation or cancellation of any entry in part 11 of the register (light obstruction charges) £9.40 £0 £9.40
Personal search carried out under Environmental Information Regulations Free Free Free

An official local land charge search can be made up of up to three parts: LLC1, Con29R and Con29O. You can send us these forms separately or combined in any order.

We don't have forms at the Council but you can buy them from a law stationer.

LLC1 form

The LLC1 form searches the Local Land Charges Register and is made up of 12 parts:

  • part 1: general financial charges
  • part 2: specific financial charges
  • part 3: planning charges
  • part 4: miscellaneous charges
  • part 5: fenland ways maintenance charges
  • part 6: land compensation charges
  • part 7: new towns charges
  • part 8: civil aviation charges
  • part 9: opencast coal charges
  • part 10: listed buildings charges
  • part 11: light obstruction notices
  • part 12: drainage scheme charges

Items held on the register are called charges and include permissions, prohibitions or restrictions affecting a property. They can also secure sums of money that may be owing to the local authority.

To be defined as a local land charge they must be binding on successive owners or occupiers of a property. Examples of local land charges include:

  • planning permissions
  • conservation area designation
  • tree preservation orders
  • article 4 directions
  • section 106 notices
  • enforcement notices
  • financial charges
  • listed building status

Only the registering authority can issue and sign an official LLC1 search certificate.

The Con29R form

The Con29R can reveal information that may not be held on the Local Land Charge Register. This could include information that is not classed as a local land charge such as highway status, or conditional planning permissions granted before the Land Charges Act and Rules came into effect.

The form is completed by different departments in the local authority and contains a standard set of enquiries agreed by central government, the Law Society and local authorities. It covers three main areas:

  • planning and building regulations
  • roads
  • other matters

Con29O form

The Con29O form contains 19 optional questions. You can request any number of these for the set fee. 

  • Q4: road proposals by private bodies
  • Q5: advertisements
  • Q6: completion Notices
  • Q7: parks and countryside
  • Q8: gas pipelines
  • Q9: houses in multiple occupation
  • Q10: noise abatement
  • Q11: urban development areas
  • Q12: enterprise zones, local development orders and bids
  • Q13: inner urban improvement areas
  • Q14: simplified planning zones
  • Q15: land maintenance notices
  • Q16: mineral consultation and safeguarding areas
  • Q17: hazardous substance consents
  • Q18: environmental and pollution notices
  • Q19: food safety notices
  • Q20: hedgerow notices
  • Q21: flood defence and land drainage consents
  • Q22: common land and town or village green

Personal Searches

A personal search is a copy of all the registrations that are held on the Local Land Charges Register against an address. Its contents are unchecked and unofficial so it's the customer's responsibility to decide what elements are relevant.

The data supplied within a personal search result is free of charge under the Environmental Information Regulations. We aim to return searches within ten working days.

To request a personal search contact [email protected].

CON29 fees

Since January 2017 all CON29 elements of a local authority search have been subject to VAT at 20 per cent.

CON29R planning answers

Local land charges can supply answers to the CON29R questions detailed in this table.

There is a set fee of £18 plus VAT at 20 per cent.

Question Number Question text
1.1 (a to i) Planning decisions
1.2 Planning designations and proposals
3.1 Land required for public purposes
3.3 Drainage Matters
3.5 Nearby railway schemes
3.7 Outstanding notices (planning notices only, see below table for further contact information)
3.9 Notices, orders, directions, proceedings under Planning Acts
3.10 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
3.11 Conservation area
3.12 Compulsory purchase
3.13 Contaminated land
3.15 Assets of community value

The table below details other CON29R questions.

Question Number Question Text Department and Contact details
1.1 (j to l) Building regulations Building Control
[email protected]
020 7361 3838
2 Roads and public rights of way Highways and Traffic
020 7361 2016
3.2 Land to be acquired for road works Highways and Traffic
020 7361 2016
3.4 Nearby road schemes Highways and Traffic
020 7361 2016
3.6 Traffic schemes Highways and Traffic
020 7361 2016
3.7 Outstanding notices Building Control
[email protected]
020 7361 3838
Highways and Traffic
020 7361 2016
Environmental Health
[email protected]
020 7361 3002
3.8 Contravention of building regulations Building Control
[email protected]
020 7361 3838
3.14 Radon gas

Environmental Health
[email protected]
020 7361 3002

Contact us

Land and Development Charges
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
The Town Hall
Hornton Street
London W8 7NX

Email: [email protected]

Last updated: 16 July 2024