Design and access statement examples and templates

Example design and access statements

These example design and access statements will help you understand the level of detail you need to include in yours.

Householder development in a conservation area [PDF] (file size 58Kb)

New dwelling, including subterranean development beneath dwelling and part of rear garden (in a conservation area) [PDF file] (file size 59Kb)

Shopfront in a conservation area [PDF] (file size 41Kb)

Alterations to a commercial property (listed building and in a conservation area) [PDF] (file size 41Kb)

Example residential templates

If your proposal includes creating new residential units, you also need to complete the residential template. Here are some completed examples:

Supplementary residential development for new dwelling [PDF] (file size 69Kb)

Supplementary residential development including alterations to a commercial property [PDF] (file size 72Kb)


Use these templates to help write your design and access statement.

If you prefer to write your statement independently, make sure you include all topics in the template.

Design and Access Statement Template [PDF] (file size 47Kb)

Design and Access Statement Template - supplementary residential development [PDF] (file size 69Kb)

Design and Access Statement Editable Template - supplementary residential development [Word]

Last updated: 29 November 2019