Policy and publications

Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy

Rehousing policy for The Walkways, Bramley House and Treadgold House residents.

Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy

We consulted on a draft rehousing policy for residents of Barandon, Hurstway and Testerton Walks (The Walkways). Following resident feedback, we agreed changes to the rehousing policy and to extend priority status to two additional housing blocks - Treadgold House and Bramley House. It also agreed to allow residents who are eligible under the policy to combine their 900 points with additional points for health needs and / or overcrowding. You can read a full report of the feedback we received from consultation events below.

The new Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy has now been approved.

Helping you decide where you want to live

We have produced a brochure Helping you decide where you want to live which explains:

  • the Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy
  • who qualifies for the 900 points and who doesn’t
  • how to apply for rehousing
  • the improvements taking place on the Lancaster West Estate for residents who are undecided about whether to stay in, or return to their home.

If you would like to apply to be rehoused, you can download the Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy housing application form below;

Once completed you can return your application form to either of the following two addresses:

Kensington and Chelsea Council
Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX


Lancaster West Estate Office
Unit 2, Baseline Studios
Whitchurch Road
W11 4AT

Or email it to: [email protected]

If you qualify to be rehoused you will be given login details for Home Connections, the Council’s Choice-Based Lettings website to view available properties.

Home Connections

The website has reopened after being closed following the Grenfell tragedy. This was to allow the Council to prioritise finding a home for former Grenfell Tower and Grenfell Walk residents.

Available Council and housing association properties are updated on Home Connections each week.

You can read full and summarised versions of the Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy below.

Council agrees to pay rent and service charge compensation 07.02.2018

The Council has agreed to pay compensation to residents who are living on the Walkways, Bramley and Treadgold House and Verity Close due to problems with services on the estate since the Grenfell tragedy.

Residents on the Walkways have told the Council about problems with the rubbish chutes, intercom systems and heating and hot water. Residents of Bramley and Treadgold House and Verity Close have also had problems with services, though on a smaller scale. The Council is working hard to put these issues right, some of which will take time.

In the meantime, the Council will pay 50 per cent of rent and service charges to tenants and 50 per cent of service charges to leaseholders living at home on the Walkways.

It will also pay 15 per cent of rent and service charges for tenants and 15 per cent of service charges for leaseholders living at home in Bramley and Treadgold House and Verity Close.

This will be paid weekly into their rent or service charges accounts until Sunday 1 April 2018 while the Council works to improve services on the estate. This arrangement will then be looked at again. There will be no immediate changes to the way residents pay their rent and service charges.

All residents in emergency accommodation will pay their full rent and service charges. Residents of the Walkways and Bramley and Treadgold House in temporary accommodation will also pay their full rent and service charges but the Council will cover the cost of the rent and service charges on their temporary home.

Residents who received Housing Benefit before the tragedy will receive Housing Benefit again from Monday 5 February. The Benefits Team has written to those residents at their home addresses with more information.

Council tax will need to be paid in full from Monday 5 February.

The Council has written to all tenants and leaseholders with more information and have also included contact details for any questions.

Last updated: 23 February 2023