Policy and publications

Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy

Rehousing policy for council tenants of Barandon Walk, Hurstway Walk, Testerton Walk, Bramley House and Treadgold House residents

Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy

The Grenfell Tower tragedy had a very deep impact on the community and especially residents who live or lived close to the Tower. Residents of Barandon Walk, Hurstway Walk and Testerton Walks (the Walkways), Treadgold House and Bramley House, and their families, were particularly affected. 

The Council introduced the Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy in February 2018 to help council tenants who do not feel able to return to, or remain in, their home in the Walkways, Treadgold House or Bramley House. Wider Grenfell priority helps Council tenants from these homes move to another permanent social housing home.

Although Wider Grenfell priority falls under our main Housing Allocation Scheme, it has its own policy which explains how certain rules differ from our main Scheme. 

  • Find the Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy, plus a summary of the policy, below.
  • Read our main Housing Allocation Scheme information.

Who can apply for Wider Grenfell rehousing priority?

Tenants who are living at Barandon Walk, Hurstway Walk and Testerton Walk, Treadgold House and Bramley House as their main home, and were living there as their main home at the time of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, can apply for Wider Grenfell priority. 

Two types of tenants may apply. 

  1. Kensington and Chelsea Council secure tenants
  2. tenants of temporary accommodation provided by Kensington and Chelsea Council following a homelessness application, where the Council has a ‘full rehousing duty’ towards them

Wider Grenfell Rehousing policy

Read full and summarised versions of the Wider Grenfell Rehousing policy below.


How to apply

If you would like to apply to be rehoused, download the Wider Grenfell Rehousing policy housing application form below:

Once completed you can return your application form to either of the following two addresses:

Kensington and Chelsea Council
Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX


Lancaster West Estate Office
Unit 2, Baseline Studios
Whitchurch Road
W11 4AT

Or email [email protected]

If you qualify to be rehoused you will be given login details for Home Connections, the Council’s choice-based lettings website to view available properties.

Last updated: 19 September 2024