Policy and Publications

Housing Allocation Scheme 2023

The Council’s Housing Allocation Scheme 2023 updates the previous Scheme which was implemented in 2014 and amended in 2017.  

The Housing Allocation Scheme sets out how residents can join the Housing Register, how the Council prioritises residents for social housing, and how we let social housing – Council and housing association homes.

The new Scheme has been developed in consultation with residents, stakeholders and staff, and aims to make the best use of a limited supply of social housing to help those most in housing need.

Key changes

The new Scheme includes a number of key changes, including:

  • Bands for priority points to provide greater clarity to residents on their position on the Housing Register
  • Recognising the Grenfell related priorities that can be awarded to residents
  • 10 additional waiting points for each year someone has waited to be rehoused
  • Increased priority for under-occupiers and those moving from accessible homes
  • A new priority category for residents who choose the private rented sector instead of long-term temporary accommodation
  • Ending paid work points for new applications
  • Having quotas and special rehousing pathways – targets for letting a percentage/number of available homes to different types of housing need, rather than only to those with the highest number of points
  • A chain lettings approach whereby multiple lettings are created once a home becomes available to let
  • Home preferences – certain households can set preferences for the type of home they want to be offered.

More information and policy documents

You will find the Housing Allocation Scheme 2023 below. Alongside it, the summary/FAQ document provides a summary of the Housing Allocation Scheme and answers some frequently asked questions. The summary of changes table compares the points awarded under the new and previous Schemes, and highlights the main changes.


We spent a long time talking to residents, resident panels and local advice agencies when deciding what the new Scheme should look like. We then carried out two sets of formal consultation which can be found here: Housing Allocations Scheme 2023 - Kensington and Chelsea's Consultation and Engagement Hub - Citizen Space (rbkc.gov.uk)

Contact us

Further information about Council and housing association homes, and the Housing Register, can be found here: Applying to the Councils Housing Register | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (rbkc.gov.uk)

You can find out more about different housing options available here: Help with housing, homelessness and finding a new home | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (rbkc.gov.uk)

Please contact the Housing Solutions Team if you wish to discuss your housing options, including asking to join the Housing Register. They can be contacted via the online form, at [email protected], on 0207 361 3008, or at Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London, W8 7NX.  

Previous 2017 Housing Allocation Scheme

Last updated: 8 July 2024