New Homes, Safer Homes

Lots Road South

The ‘Lots Road South’ site is part of a wider improvement plan for the Lots Road area and is one of the Phase 3 schemes in the Council’s New Homes Delivery Programme.

The ‘Lots Road South’ project is a significant and complex proposal and to ensure that the specialist experience, expertise and funding is in place to deliver the scheme, the Council has appointed a development partner to work with all the key stakeholders including the local community and Council as the landowner.

Initial work needs to take place before construction can start to ensure the site is ready.

Lots Road South site

Where is the site?

The ‘Lots Road South’ site is situated towards the south-western corner of Kensington and Chelsea, overlooking Chelsea Creek to the south, and with river access nearby.

The area currently houses pubs and cafes, design studios and other businesses as well as new residential developments alongside low-rise Victorian houses and the Lots Road Power Station development.

Lots Road connects the area to the popular King’s Road to the north and Chelsea Creek to the south.

Plan to build new homes

The New Homes Delivery Programme aims to build 600 new homes in the borough, 300 of which will be for social rent and key workers. We are looking to enhance and transform the Lots Road area by building new homes, providing local employment opportunities while also maintaining local facilities, and enhancing green space as well as the general character of the area.

Having sought the views of local residents and the community, a Lots Road South design guide has been produced to inform the design and planning approach for the site. The brief sets out the Council’s proposals for the site which includes the delivery of new homes, including ‘Extra Care’ homes, alongside key worker and open market homes. In addition, this includes the requirement to provide employment and commercial/retail space which respect the character of the Lots Road area. The design guide also refers to providing new community facilities alongside improved landscaping and green space, as well as opportunities for courtyard areas and managed communal gardens. 

Upon completion of the overall project, the ‘Extra Care’ affordable homes would be owned and managed by the Council to meet the local needs within the Borough.

Non-residential spaces

The proposals for new employment and commercial space will include a number of uses including creative/design companies, café/food and drink businesses, galleries and other retail uses as well as medical/NHS services.

We are proposing an element of ‘affordable workspace’ under leases which would encourage local start-up businesses. The Council would be responsible for the management and operation of the community and affordable workspaces once the development is completed. The Lots Road Auction House which was based on this site has relocated to The Piper Building in Hammersmith and Fulham. Mount Anvil, the Council’s development partner, have been working with Lots Road Auction House to ensure that the opportunity is maintained for them to return to Lots Road once the scheme is finished.

For the project to progress, some preparatory work is required. This includes the relocation of the existing car pound to a new purpose-built facility on Council-owned land at Park Royal in Ealing as well as re-provision of the salt store and ‘street sweepers’ facility on Council-owned land in the immediate area.

What’s next?

Mount Anvil, the Council's development partner, are working together with the local community to help develop the design of the new scheme. Mount Anvil are responsible for planning, funding and the construction delivery of a high-quality development for the area. They are currently talking to the community and other key stakeholders, and this will continue as the scheme progresses through the planning and construction stages. Community representatives have already highlighted the importance of a safe, practical approach to construction management and traffic coordination, and this is a key consideration for Mount Anvil and the Council.

If you would like to keep up to date with the latest proposals and consultation on the Lots Road site, please visit our Development Partner’s Mount Anvil’s website.

Preparatory works-77 Lots Road

In order to prepare the ‘Lots Road South’ site for development, some work is required. A planning application has now been approved for the replacement of existing Council facilities on Lots Road, the first of which relates to 77 Lots Road.

What will it involve?

The proposal is to demolish the existing steel framed two-storey building and the single- storey store to the rear, and replace this with a contemporary brick building comprising ground and two upper floors fronting Lots Road, with a secure single storey storage building to the rear.  The existing access on the southern side of the 77 Lots Road site will be improved and will provide a dedicated gated access to the new facilities and Council yard to the rear of the site.

The target programme for the demolition and construction would see the building completed within around 12 to15 months from when work starts.

What will it look like?

The building fronting Lots Road would be constructed in red brick with lighter tone brickwork above, accentuated with brick detailing to the Lots Road elevation. ‘Crittall style’ metal framed and coated windows are proposed above the street level shop fronts, with an industrial feel to reinforce the overall character of the building, consistent with the surrounding buildings in Lots Road.

Exterior 77 Lots Road. The building is red and light brown.

Indicative image of proposal for 77 Lots Road- looking southwest.

The side elevations extending back from Lots Road would continue in brick, with recessed panels and glazed brick detailing, together with side windows to the offices and other internal accommodation. The rear elevation would have a flexible weather cover to enable easy access, which faces towards the railway line. These improved facilities would allow for the existing temporary buildings on site to be reduced and those staying to be improved in appearance.

How will the local amenities be protected?

The current intention is for the work to be contained within a secure compound including the existing 77 Lots Road site. The access route during construction is currently under review to take on board the existing highways depot access and car pound entrance to the south of Lots Road , to minimise disruption for local residents and businesses.

A Construction Environmental Management Plan and Construction Transport Management Plan was submitted as part of the application which would adopt measures to control the impact of noise, vibration and traffic. These would form part of any approval granted and would guide construction activities on site to ensure compliance by the building contractor.

Enabling works- Chelsea Creek River wall

The Council is undertaking work to repair and replace sections of the Chelsea Creek River wall which are within their ownership. The river wall is located at the south-western corner of Lots Road, on the southern boundary of the Council’s car pound facility which forms part of the’ Lots Road South ‘site.

We will also be constructing a new section of wall to provide a safe and stable bank between the existing sections of creek wall on the northern side of Chelsea Creek, ensuring the biodiversity and environmental requirements are considered.

Once this work is completed, the new wall and enhanced adjacent land area would provide the opportunity for future improvements. These could include additional permanent trees and landscaping, as well as enhanced public access to the creek side area. These future improvements would be designed and undertaken as part of the ‘Lots Road South’ proposals and would be included in future planning consultation with the community.

Planning permission has been obtained for elements of these works and work has now started. It is due to be completed in 2028.

For more information, please email [email protected]

Last updated: 22 April 2024