Articles on Early Help and Family Hubs (30)

  1. Bereavement support

    We appreciate that this is a very difficult time and the unexpected loss of a loved one due to coronavirus can be particularly distressing. Please visit the Council’s website for information, guidance and advice on deaths, funerals and bereavement. The Council have also created leaflets for families,…
  2. Child and family safety

    Safeguarding Self-isolating can bring new unsettling challenges for you and your family. If you are worried about your safety or the safety of your child, please contact the following teams: Please call the Social Services helpline on 020 7361 3013 (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm) or…
  3. Detached and Outreach Team (DOT)

    Welcome to the Detached and Outreach Team webpage We are a team of youth workers working in Kensington and Chelsea. We offer a variety of free youth work support including: Detached (street-based) sessions Outreach (helping children and young people to access provision in youth centres…
  4. Family Hub newsletters

    Please click on the links below to access the latest Kensington and Chelsea Family Hubs newsletters: 2024 Summer edition May March February 2023 December September July May March February 2022 December September July June May April 2021 December November July June May April March  2020…
  5. Family Hubs

    Family Hubs are a new way of bringing together all the support you may need as a family, from pregnancy through to young people turning 19 (or 25 if they have a disability). There is a children’s centre in each of the Family Hubs with activities…
  6. Family Hubs locations and timetables

    There are several locations where you can access services. Find out where is your nearest Family Hub and the current timetable: Family Hub North timetable Autumn 2024-25 Family Hub South timetable Autumn 2024-25
  7. Fire safety

    Fire Safety The London Fire Brigade website provides information on common risks within the home and how to reduce them. The site provides information on how to conduct your own home fire safety check. Worried about a child or young person who has set fires?…
  8. Fostering and Adoption

    The Kensington and Chelsea Adoption Service is now run by Coram Ambitious for Adoption. If you are enquiring about Adopting a Child please contact [email protected]  If you are enquiring about Post Adoption Support please contact [email protected] If you are enquiring about your birth or adoption records prior to 1975 (National Children’s Adoption Association) please…
  9. The Future of Youth and Community Adventure Play (2025-2030)

    The Council has been reviewing the youth and community adventure play services we offer, alongside the wider offer available through schools, libraries, parks, and leisure facilities to shape the future of services locally.  The vision is to deliver excellent services and provide even more opportunities…
  10. Help for low income families

    The government provides information on a number of different Benefits for families, including who they are for and how you can apply for them, including; Apply for free school meals Benefits calculators Care to Learn Carer's Credit Childcare Grant Claim if you were injured while serving…
  11. How Will Support for Parents / Families Change?

    When a child reaches adulthood, the way their parents or families are supported will change. To understand your level of needs and what support should be provided, the council will invite you to complete a Carer's Assessment. This is a way that you can let the adult…
  12. Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

    In order to manage allegations against professionals, every Local Authority appoints a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). The LADO works within Children’s Services and should be alerted to all cases in which it is alleged that a person who works with children has: behaved in…
  13. Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP)

    Are you a Parent or a Guardian? Protecting children is your responsibility too. The safety and welfare of children - or child protection - is everyone's business. You could be a neighbour, friend, parent, relative, child minder, teacher or doctor - or working for any…
  14. Online safety

    In this section you will find information on national support agencies which offer a wide range of advice to children, young people and their families on how to stay safe online. NSPCC The NSPCC is a charity aiming to prevent abuse, help rebuild children's lives…
  15. Safeguarding children

    The Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) for Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. The safeguarding of children is everyone's responsibility, and the LSCP website contains in depth information for: Children and young people Parents, carers and the public professionals and volunteers The LSCP site also lists…
  16. Stay with us: preventing suicide together

    On the link below, you can access the Kensington and Chelsea dedicated suicide prevention resource. We want to raise awareness of suicide and its impact on our communities. Here, you will find practical information on the support available locally in Kensington and Chelsea, as well…
  17. Support for families (Early Help)

    One-to-one family support (Early Help) Our Early Help services are continuing to provide support for families during this period, in a different way. If you are already receiving one-to-one support from our Early Help team, your practitioner will contact you weekly or fortnightly via telephone…
  18. Support for young carers

    Are you under 18 and looking after someone in your family who is ill or disabled? This may be a parent, a brother or sister or a grandparent. Maybe you help by staying at home a lot to be there for them, helping them get…
  19. Targeted Prevention Team (TPT)

    A big welcome from the Targeted Prevention Team (TPT) The Targeted Prevention Team (TPT) is the Kensington and Chelsea specialist free service for young people who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).  The team is experienced in, and dedicated to, providing Careers, Education,…
  20. TPT Summer Programme

    Find below the RBKC Targetted Prevention Team (TPT) summer 2024 programme: Jul 16th, 17th, 18th Sports and Wellbeing 29th July  Successful CVs 5th August Search and apply for jobs 12th August Interview skills 13th August (Day 1) Salon hygiene and Hair styling 14th August (Day…
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