Representation against a vehicle removal

Only use this form if no more than 28 days have passed since you paid to have your vehicle released.

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* Date paid for the release:
representation has to be made within 28 days of payment.

Please read the following seven grounds and write the corresponding number in the box below.
Please continue in the box giving full details of your representation.

Vehicle Removal (or following the proceeds of sale or disposal of a vehicle):

1. The vehicle had not been permitted to remain at rest in a civil enforcement area in circumstances in which a penalty charge was payable by virtue of regulation 5 of the 2022 General Regulations.

2. The CEO had not fixed a PCN to the vehicle or handed it to the person appearing to the CEO to be in charge of the vehicle, before the vehicle was removed.

3.The power to remove the vehicle under paragraph 2 of regulation 5C of the Removal and Disposal of vehicles Regulations 1986 (as amended) was not exercisable by virtue of paragraph 3 of that regulation.

4.The vehicle had been permitted to remain at rest in the place where it was by a person who was in control of the vehicle without the consent of the owner.
Please provide evidence (e.g. police crime reference number, insurance claim).

5. The place where the vehicle was at rest was not in a civil enforcement area for parking contraventions.

6. The penalty charge or other charge paid to secure the release of the vehicle exceeded the amount applicable in the circumstances of the case. or

7. There has been a procedural impropriety on the part of the Council.

Attachments and photos

This form is unable to accept attachments or photos, if you wish to include these as part of your representation please forward separately either by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to "RBKC, PO Box 4294, Worthing, BN13 1WW" quoting your penalty charge notice number.

Data Protection

The Council will use information, including personal information, collected by means of this document for the enforcement of traffic contraventions. The information may be disclosed to London Councils, other enforcement agencies and third parties where it is necessary and lawful to do so e.g., for the prevention and detection of crime. All information will be processed in accordance with the legislative framework on data protection, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation.

Statement of truth

If you dishonestly enter information or make a statement that you know is, or might be, untrue or misleading, and intend by doing so to make a gain for yourself or another person, or to cause loss or the risk of loss to another person, you may commit the offence of fraud under the Fraud Act 2006, the maximum penalty for which is 10 years imprisonment or an unlimited fine, or both.