Ilys Booker Drop-in Consultation

Ilys Booker Drop-in Consultation – Questions and Answers

Who is organising the consultation?

The consultation is being organised and led by the wider stay & play team and its umbrella organisation Lancaster West Children’s Community Network (LWCCN). They are supported by members of the architectural team at Penoyre & Prasad, along with members of the Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team, Family and Children’s Services, and Capital Projects teams of RBKC.

How can I provide comments?

Please go to the following website If you require a hard copy to be sent to you or need a translator, email us at [email protected]. The closing date for responses is Friday 18 December 2020.

What is the aim of the process?

Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy, there was a clear recognition of the need to make real improvements around the estate. With that in mind, both local and central Governments have committed funding to support an ambitious and resident-led refurbishment of the estate. A new fit for purpose drop-in facility would help Lancaster West become a model estate for the 21st century.

Why does the drop-in want to stay here?

The drop-in service has been on the estate for many years and was formerly located at the Ilys Booker Centre in Lower Clarendon Walk. The drop-in staff and management committee are very much a part of the Lancaster West community and during this time have served and supported the community. We are committed to keeping our services local, affordable, and accessible to families on the estate.

The Ilys Booker drop-in is currently the only stay & play/drop-in service in the local W11 area. We believe it is vitally important for us to remain in the local area so that we can continue our work promoting children’s learning and development through play in a secure and loving environment. This also includes supporting parents through training courses, classes, and workshops to better their lives and improve their wellbeing.

The drop-in service wishes to stay on the estate and rebuild to honour the memory of the deceased many of whom attended the centre and helped shape the drop-in. This is an opportunity to remember and to look forward to the future.

Would there be a loss of green space?

The proposal would be located in the area currently occupied by the bin and bike stores, bike stands, and fenced off the shrubbery. Although a small part of the existing grassed area would be occupied by the proposed building, the design for the garden would create a much better place for residents to use and enjoy more often. The design would aim to keep the feeling of space and greenery by creating a wildflower green roof that could be seen and enjoyed by the homes above.

Would the nursery increase noise levels?

As part of the consultation and formal planning process, noise levels to do with any construction, and noise levels resulting from the use of the drop-in will need to be factored in and approved. At the early design stage, noise assessments would be undertaken to understand the current level of noise in the area and work done to forecast noise impacts both from construction, and the use of the drop-in. The design of the building and the works and equipment required to build the drop-in would aim to reduce any noise levels, and the proposal would need to adhere to any planning or statutory requirements.

Would access be a problem?

The proposal would continue to provide access for residents both during any proposed construction works and when the building is in use. The proposal would improve access to both Talbot Grove House and Clarendon Walk by resurfacing the hard landscape areas around the site. For example, the space in front of Talbot Grove House would be resurfaced and design to be more pedestrian-friendly for residents. Access to the proposed drop-in would be level access and there would be facilities for disabled users.

Would residents be expected to pay for this redevelopment work?

The Council has committed to cover the building and related costs of the re-provision of the drop-in services to a new location.

When would the work happen?

The proposals are in the early stages and the team is keen to get feedback from residents and stakeholders before more detailed design work is carried out. Once this feedback has been gathered, further design work will be undertaken, to submit a planning application to the Local Planning Authority in early 2021. The team’s target for construction work on site is Summer 2021 onwards, with work expected to take approximately 7 months.

The team will be working closely with members of the Lancaster West

Estate Neighbourhood Team to understand how the drop-in construction could be delivered, while the wider estate improvements get underway. The team is committed to ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the works to minimise disruption to residents, and to maximise the benefits for the longer-term and the wider community.

Last updated: 23 February 2023