Chelsea Open Air Nursery School and Children's Centre

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Alternative Name Local Authority Nursery School
Description Local authority nursery school for 3-5 years Children's Centre for 0-7years
Address 51 Glebe Place
Telephone 020 7352 8374
Fax 020 7376 8350
Email [email protected]
Contact Mrs Kathryn Solly (Headteacher)
Hours Children's Centre: 8.00am - 6.00pm
Nursery: 9.00am - 3.30pm (term time only)
Services There is a dedicated space for the Out of Hours provision - COA Plus. The Nursery has a breakfast Club, After School Club, Creche, Stay & Play sessions and Holiday Club.
Special Events Annual themed open day each July
Newsletter Monthly newsletter
Fees Fees for extended care available on application
Clientele Children of 3 and 4 years of age for Nursery School. Children of 0-7years for the Children's Centre
Eligibility Local within walking distance, SEN, EAL, social needs. Priority to Cremorne Ward and pockets of deprivation.
Last Updated 06 October 2015