Adult Social Care

Community equipment provider NRS Healthcare – important update

Adult Social Care’s role is to support people’s independence and wellbeing, and to enable them to live in the community with as much dignity, choice and control as possible.

Some people may need support to achieve this. Support may range from providing help to enable you to take part in activities and events in your local community, or helping you stay in touch with friends and family, or arranging practical help with everyday tasks, such as washing, getting dressed, and preparing meals.

Support available locally

There are many organisations and resources in your local area that can provide support and help. This might include giving you advice and guidance on a range of subjects, practical support to get about and be active in the community, and help with wellbeing and emotional issues, and much more.

The ‘People First’ website

We know that it can be difficult finding out what all these organisations are. That’s why we have created the ‘People First’ website. People First is an information and resource directory for Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster City Councils. It has been designed to help you find information on a range of health and social care topics, including:

  • health and wellbeing
  • looking after someone (being a carer)
  • money and legal matters
  • being at home
  • work and learning
  • staying safe

It also provides information on local groups, activities and services in both Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster.

The site is updated regularly with new services, activities and events, and topical information and advice.

Visit the People First website for more information and resources.

Equipment to help you at home

A common problem for many people is that they find it increasingly difficult to do the things they used to do at home. If you find that you are having difficulty with day-to-day activities such as having a bath or a shower, getting around your home, or going up and down the stairs, there may be specialist equipment available to help you do these things more easily and safely.

Equipment, and in some cases adaptations to your home, can also help you live more independently and confidently, encourage you to feel safer, and help you get out and about.

There are many different types of equipment that might help, such as:

  • bath seats
  • trolleys for carrying things around your home
  • raised toilet seats and commodes
  • specially adapted beds and chairs
  • grab rails around your home to help your stability

Visit the People First website for information on equipment to help at home.

Support available from the Council

If you feel you are unable to cope at home, you may be eligible to receive support from the Council.

We will ask you some questions which look at how your current state of health affects your daily life and whether you are able to do common daily tasks. This conversation with you is called an ‘assessment’ and we use this conversation to determine your needs, whether you are eligible for help from us, and if so, what care and support you might require.

You do need to show that:

Carrying out caring responsibilities the adult has for a child your needs arise from (or are related to) a physical or mental impairment or illness, and the issues you face have a significant impact on your wellbeing, and you are unable to achieve 2 or more of the following activities:

  • eating and drinking
  • maintaining personal hygiene, for example, washing and bathing
  • managing toilet needs
  • being appropriately clothed
  • being able to make use of your home safely for example, using the stairs
  • maintaining a habitable home environment, for example, keeping your home clean
  • developing or maintaining family or other personal relationships
  • accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering
  • making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including public transport and recreational services

A social worker will then meet with you to discuss your situation in more detail as part of your assessment and whether you are eligible for help.

All local authorities in the country use the same eligibility criteria, so it is fair and impartial no matter where you live.

What if I am not eligible?

If you do not meet the criteria, we will still give you information and advice and help you to find services in the community, some of which may be free. We may also be able to provide you with some equipment, without the need for a full assessment, if that will meet your needs.

Visit the People First website for information and guidance on how to request an assessment.

Paying for social care

Unlike most NHS services, most support from the Council for your care needs is usually not free.

Following your assessment, and assuming you are eligible to receive help from the Council, we will ask you to complete a financial assessment. This is so we can conduct a ‘means test’ and work out how much, if anything, you will have to pay towards your care and support. This is often called ‘your contribution’.

Based on your financial assessment, we may then also contribute towards the cost of your care if your circumstances mean you are not able to pay for all of it.

However, we will NOT contribute if:

  • You have savings or assets (for example, property) over £23,250
  • You choose not to tell us about all of your financial assets
  • You choose not to have a financial assessment

If you are not eligible for financial support from the Council, you will need to pay for your care and support services yourself. People who are not eligible for financial support are known as ‘self-funding’. Self-funders are still entitled to information and advice from the Council.

For more information and guidance:

The Care Act

The Care Act 2014 sets out our duty as a council to assess people’s needs and their eligibility for publicly funded care and support.

It says we must carry out an assessment of anyone who appears to require care and support and focus the assessment on their needs and how they impact on their wellbeing, and the outcomes they want to achieve.

The Act aims to improve people’s independence and wellbeing and to support them staying in their own homes for as long as possible.

The Act makes it clear that we must provide or arrange services that help prevent a person from developing increasing needs for care and support, or which delay the need for such services.

For more information and guidance visit the Care Act factsheets on GOV.UK

Community Engagement – help from your local area

There’s a lot happening in Kensington and Chelsea and our Community Engagement pages are a great resource to help you get the most from your local area. It includes information on faith communities to volunteering opportunities and even schemes to encourage local horticulture.

For more information see our Community engagement pages.


Local Healthwatch is a consumer champion organisation for users of health and social care services which helps residents make choices about services and supports individuals who want to make a complaint.

For more information and guidance see our Healthwatch pages from the Council.

Last updated: 17 May 2024