Adult Social Care

Support for carers

Who is a carer?

A carer is someone who looks after a partner, family member, friend or neighbour who needs their help because of illness, disability or old age. A carer may be a child or an adult, providing unpaid care to either a child or an adult.

Many people do not see themselves as carers straight away, they are simply doing what anyone would, caring unpaid for a loved one or friend, helping them through when they are unable to do things for a carer can put great pressure on someone. Recognising yourself as a carer can be the gateway to getting a range of help and support which can take some of the pressure off you and allow you some time for yourself.

For more information and guidance visit the Looking after someone pages on People First.

Carers’ assessments

If you care for someone you are entitled to a carer’s assessment. This is a conversation with you and focuses on your caring role and the impact this has on you, the different areas of your life and your wellbeing. It includes asking about your:

  • physical and mental wellbeing
  • family and other relationships
  • ability to access education, employment and volunteering opportunities
  • ability to provide care to a child or children
  • ability to maintain a habitable home environment
  • ability to take part in social activities
  • ability to manage and maintain good nutrition

Your assessment can be carried out at the same time as we assess the person you care for (though not in their presence), or you can request for it to be carried out separately.

As a result of your assessment, you may be offered advice and support to help reduce the impact on your caring role and other areas of your life – even if the person you care for is not eligible to receive support from the Council.

For more information and guidance visit the Requesting a carer’s assessment pages on People First.

Financial support for carers

Welfare benefits are available to carers and you may also be entitled to a Carer’s Personal Budget to support you in your caring role.

For more information and guidance visit the Money, benefits and legal pages on People First

Other support for carers

The Carers Network, Kensington and Chelsea Hub

The Carers Network provides information, advice and advocacy services to carers, and can be contacted via the Carers Network, Kensington and Chelsea Hub.

For more information and guidance visit the Carers Network website.

People First website

People First is Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council’s information and resource directory. It has been designed to help you find information on a range of health and social care topics, from getting support at home to money and legal matters.

It has a dedicated section on being a carer, providing information and advice and a directory of organisations that can support you.

It also provides information on local groups, activities and services within both Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster communities.

The site is regularly updated with new services and organisations and topical information and advice.

For more information and guidance, visit:

Last updated: 22 March 2024