Leaseholder alterations: improving your home
If you are planning to carry out alterations or improvement works to your home, you will need to seek formal approval from the council, prior to any works going ahead. The following information provides guidance for obtaining the correct consents, types of work that can and cannot be carried out, plus related fees for obtaining consent for alterations.
Requesting permission
Obtaining approval is a condition of your lease agreement with the council.
To understand more about your lease and how this affects the work you wish to undertake, visit New Tenancies and Leases.
What if I do not obtain permission?
If you undertake works without seeking the council’s permission, otherwise known as an unauthorised alteration, this is considered a breach of the terms of your lease. Unauthorised alterations are a serious matter and could have future implications for you as the leaseholder including:
- reinstating the property to its original condition if the alterations do not meet council standards. You will be required to meet any costs of reinstating the property to its original condition or making any further modifications to ensure compliance with building regulations.
- you are likely to encounter difficulties if you wish to sell your property. If you do not have landlord’s consent for alterations, this can delay the sale of the property as potential buyers will want to ensure that you received the consent for the works.
- if you undertake works that could be considered as dangerous or do not meet standards for the granting of landlord’s consent, the council may also take further legal proceedings.
Obtaining retrospective consent
You can make an application for retrospective consent if you have already started or have completed works without obtaining permission. If you have partially completed work, you are advised to stop immediately as an application for retrospective consent does not guarantee your alteration will be accepted. There will be a non-refundable fee for retrospective applications and are issued at a higher cost than standard applications.
What type of work / what permission is required
Minor works
Works such as painting and decoration, replacing fixtures and fittings, works of a “like for like” nature.
Works based on a “like for like” basis, for example Kitchen and Bathroom refurbishments – application where formal Landlords Consent is required.
Small scale works for example changes in the layout, moving/removing walls, creating a bathroom/shower room - a Licence to Alteration is required.
Major Works
Larger schemes for example, basement development, loft conversion, roof terrace, extensions, conservatories – where a Licence to Alteration is required. In addition, a Deed of Variation may apply.
Next stage
Your enquiry will be referred to the Housing Management Leaseholder Alterations Team, who will liaise directly with you to progress your application. A fee of £580 is payable before the team reviews your application. Fees are non-refundable and collected by the Leasehold Alterations Team.
Contact us
Leasehold Enquiry After Sale Team
Housing Management
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
292a Kensal Road, London, W10 5BE
- email: [email protected]
Licence application
An application usually involves the completion of a standard form and submission of supporting documents / information and payment of associated fees. What will be required will be dependent on the nature of the proposed works. Full guidance will be provided by the Leasehold Alterations Team on what is required to support a successful application which will include:
- scaled drawing plans, showing the existing and proposed layout
- detailed scope of works, listing all the works room by room
- building control approval and/or planning consent from the Council
- fees required are non-refundable and will be collected by the Council’s Legal Services
- licence fee: currently £800.00, which is subject to change/increase
- Deed of Variation: currently £960.00, which is subject to change/increase
- additional surveyor’s fee: £700.00 (if applicable)
Following application approval
Following the approval of an application, additional advice and guidance will be provided on major works.
The additional information which will be required is:
- structural engineer's report
- party wall agreement (if applicable)
- asbestos removal (if applicable)
- contractor’s details and copy of their insurance/liability cover
- for both major and minor works which require licence, resident consultation will need to be carried out by the applicant covering:
- the scope of works, how long the works will take. NB. licence to carry out works is issued for 6 months to complete
- how noise nuisance/inconvenience, dust will be minimised/controlled
- possible need to relocate tenants affected by the works
- claim and compensation as a result of damages to affected properties
- respond to any concerns raised by affected tenant’s
Subject to satisfactory outcome of the application, Licence to Alter will be prepared by the council’s Legal Services.