Amend an application

Make non-material changes to an approved application

If you want to make minor changes to an approved application you can submit an application for non-material amendments. These are not subject to any publicity.

What is a non-material amendment?

There is no set definition of a non-material amendment, but it is a minor change. We will consider your application and decide if you will need a new application.

We could reject your application for a non-material amendment if your proposal involves any of the following (this list is not exhaustive):

  • alteration(s) which would need to be the subject of consultation with neighbours, technical groups, consultees or others before we can reach an informed decision or to avoid prejudicing that party
  • reinstating any feature objected to as part of the original permission
  • removing any revision negotiated when the application was first considered
  • conflicting with the requirements of a condition on the original permission
  • moving any building
  • significantly increasing the volume of a building
  • significantly increasing the internal content of a building, even if the overall size is not significantly larger
  • increasing the height of a building
  • adding equipment or other structure to a roof
  • adding a window that may cause overlooking
  • amending the site area
  • altering any ground level
  • amending the description of the development or introducing new element(s) which were not part of the original scheme
  • significantly altering the external appearance of the permitted proposal
  • amending the external materials or finishes in a way that would have a significant impact on the appearance of the development
  • amending the proposal in a way which reduces the design quality of the development originally permitted
  • alteration(s) which, when taken with previously approved non-material amendments, would amount to a material change, and alteration(s) which make the development conflict with the development plan or national guidance

Minor material amendments

If your amendment isn't classed as non-material then you may need to apply for minor material amendments. This is called a Section 73 application (S.73) or a variation of planning condition.

A S.73 application allows you to substitute revised plans for those that have already been approved.

S.73 application form


Last updated: 29 November 2019