Making a planning application

CTMP guidance

Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMPs)

If you applied for planning permission for your development and a condition of the planning consent was a CTMP, it needs to be formally discharged before you can start work on site.

If you start work before the CTMP is discharged, we could take enforcement action.

Apply to discharge a CTMP condition

You need to apply to the Department of Planning and Place who will consult the Transport Planning Team. 

To apply:

  • complete the pro-forma in full - use the guidance notes (in blue) on the form to help you
  • send the pro-forma with your completed application form

Any questions that you feel do not apply to your development should be marked N/A. 

The Council must formally approve your application before work starts.

download the application form to discharge the condition [PDF] (file size 593Kb)

Approval process

It can take up to eight weeks to approve a CTMP. This depends on the:

  • quality of your initial submission
  • complexity of your project

If you do not submit the CTMP using the correct pro-forma, the approval process will be delayed. Your application could be returned and you may have to resubmit it in the correct format.

The Department of Planning and Place must formally discharge your application before we can grant any licences for temporary structures on the highway and parking suspensions.

Red routes

If your development is on or adjacent to the Transport for London Road Network (red route), you will also need to liaise with Transport for London (TfL). TfL can issue licences you need, including scaffold licences.

Get help

Our Planning Advice Service can help you prepare a CTMP.

Read more about our Planning Advice Service.

Other than through the Planning Advice Service, it is not possible to meet contractors or review drafts of CTMPs before a formal application is submitted.



Last updated: 10 October 2024