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Property details

Case reference: CON/18/01186
Address: Queen Ann's Orangery, Palace Green, LONDON, W8 4PZ
Ward: Campden
Polling district: 03
Listed Building Grade: 1
Conservation area: Kensington Palace

Applicant details

Applicant's name: Historic Royal Palaces
Applicant company name: Historic Royal Palaces
Contact address: State Apartments Kensington Palace Palace Green LONDON W8 4PX

Proposal details

Application type: CON (Conditions)
Proposed development Details required by condition nos. 3 (CTMP), 4 (appointment of Professional Engineer) and 8 (submission of cycle parking details) of planning permission 17/01413 (Demolition of structures to rear of the Orangery, construction of extension comprising two level basement and single storey above ground, and provision of two internal links to extension with associated alterations. New landscaping of Orangery lawn to the south, including new gardener's store. Provision of temporary marquee during period of construction. Associated works and landscaping.)
Date received: 23 Feb 2018
Registration date:
(Statutory start date)
23 Feb 2018
Public consultation ends: 30 Mar 2018
Application status: Decided
Target date for decision: 20 Apr 2018

Decision details

This case has not yet been decided.

Decision: Discharge of Conditions - Split Decision
Decision date: 16 Apr 2018
Conditions and reasons:


Condition 3) CTMP


Condition 4) Suitably Qualified Engineer. Condition 8) Cycle Parking.


Condition 3) The submitted details fail to minimise the impact of construction works upon highway safety and nearby residents' enjoyment of their properties in accordance with the Basements SPD and policies CL7, CT1 and CL5 of the Consolidated Local Plan.



Unique text
A consultation document has been submitted in which vague detail on consultation with The Royal Parks and The Royal Household is provided. The site would be contained entirely within areas controlled by these two entities so their agreement on the proposed arrangements is key. The CTMP should detail whether construction traffic would travel along Jubilee Path in both directions at the same time. If this is so, swept path showing that two-way construction traffic movements would be possible whilst also maintaining a walkway for pedestrians is required. It may be that passing points are required along Jubilee Path. A plan of the proposed Jubilee Path arrangement would be useful to demonstrate that conflicts between construction traffic and pedestrians would be avoided. The CTMP should detail that vehicles would be checked off the public highway, i.e. when pulled into Orme Square Gate and that should they be turned away they would be permitted to utilise the turning area to the south of the orangery, rather than reverse out onto Bayswater Road. The CTMP states that vehicles would be turned away 'unless capacity exists on-street to accommodate vehicles at the time of arrival'. No vehicles should wait on the public highway. A more detailed site plan has been provided showing vehicles in the proposed loading/ unloading position. Three vehicles can be contained on site at any one time. The site plan is of poor quality and barely legible. The submitted swept path is illegible. Orme Square Gate is very narrow and the swept path appears to show that most vehicles would barely fit through the gate. Concern is raised as to the time required for vehicles to manoeuvre in and out of the gate and the likely impact this would have on traffic and congestion on Bayswater Road. It is accepted that large vehicles regularly use Orme Square Gate, however clear swept path demonstrating that vehicles can access and exit Orme Square Gate without undue difficulty is required to ensure construction traffic would not unduly impact the operation of Bayswater Road. The swept path showing vehicles entering and exiting the site and using the turning circle to the south of the orangery does not appear to have considered the proposed pedestrian walkway. The CTMP does not agree to operate within the permitted construction traffic hours of 09:30 and 16:30, Monday to Friday. The CTMP fails to demonstrate that the proposed arrangements would not unduly impact the operation of the highway contrary to CT1(b). It is strongly recommended that the pro-forma is used when completing a CTMP as the guidance contained within the pro-forma helps to ensure all requisite detail is included.

Committee details

Decision by: This case is currently due to be decided under delegated powers.

Appeal details

This case has not been appealed.

Planning Inspectorate reference number:
Appeal received:
Appeal type:
Appeal procedure:
Appeal start date:
Deadline for comments to be received by the Planning Inspectorate:
Appeal decision:
Appeal decision date:

Contact details

Planning case officer: Stephanie Malik
Planning team: North
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7361 3012

Comment on this application

The consultation period for this application has ended.

Documents related to case CON/18/01186