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Property details

Case reference: PP/19/06200
Address: 23 Tregunter Road, LONDON, SW10 9LS
Ward: Redcliffe
Polling district: 15
Listed Building Grade: N/A
Conservation area: Boltons

Applicant details

Applicant's name: Herbst
Applicant company name: Montagu Evans.
Contact address: 5 Bolton Street London W1J 8BA

Proposal details

Application type: PP (Planning permission)
Proposed development Alterations and part demolition including formation of new openings and new mansard extension to side wing, rear 'conservatory extensions' and extension at lower ground floor level.
Date received: 09 Sep 2019
Registration date:
(Statutory start date)
09 Sep 2019
Public consultation ends: 11 Oct 2019
Application status: Appeal Decided
Target date for decision: 04 Nov 2019

Decision details

This case has not yet been decided.

Decision: Refuse Planning Permission/Consent
Decision date: 08 Nov 2019
Conditions and reasons:


The proposed alterations change what is currently a subordinate extension (by virtue of its height, design and window arrangement) into the most dominant part of the house. The proposed false mansard would sit awkwardly with the roof form of the main building and, given its steep fa╪ade, would sit prominently in the streetscape. The alterations push the balustrading uncomfortably into other aspects of the fa╪ade and the large window to the front adds to the dominance and exacerbates the issues listed above by making it seem like a separate dwelling. Views from The Little Boltons of the currently subordinate addition would be replaced by what would appear as a contrived and incongruous singular semi-detached dwelling. In addition, views of the trees, traditional butterfly roof forms, and rear elevations of properties on Cathcart Road would be expunged. Such development would be in contradiction with policies CL1, CL2, CL3, CL6, CL8, CL9, and CL11 of the Local Plan (2019).



Refused despite pre-app advice
To assist applicants in finding solutions to problems arising in relation to their development proposals the Local Planning Authority has produced planning policies, and provided written guidance, all of which are available on the Council's website, and offers a pre-application advice service. Pre-application advice was sought and provided. Unfortunately, this advice was not adhered to. Nevertheless, the Council is ready to enter into discussions with the applicants through the advice service to assist in the preparation of a new planning application.

Committee details

Decision by: This case is currently due to be decided under delegated powers.

Appeal details

This case has not been appealed.

Planning Inspectorate reference number: D/19/3243707
Appeal received: 20 Dec 2019
Appeal type: HSE
Appeal procedure: HAS
Appeal start date: 03 Feb 2020
Deadline for comments to be received by the Planning Inspectorate: TBC
Appeal decision: DIS
Appeal decision date: 07 Jul 2020

Contact details

Planning case officer: Philip Elliott
Planning team: South
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7361 3012

Comment on this application

The consultation period for this application has ended.

Documents related to case PP/19/06200