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Property details

Case reference: LB/23/05865
Address: 2 Holland Park Mews, LONDON, W11 3SU
Ward: Holland
Polling district: 10
Listed Building Grade: 2
Conservation area: Holland Park

Applicant details

Applicant's name: Chaldecott
Applicant company name: Savills
Contact address: 33 Margaret Street London W1G 0JD

Proposal details

Application type: LB (Listed Building)
Proposed development Internal alterations at ground and first floor levels including replacement of staircase, changing garage into a bedroom, replacement of garage door and replacement of roof lights.
Date received: 05 Sep 2023
Registration date:
(Statutory start date)
05 Sep 2023
Public consultation ends: 06 Oct 2023
Application status: Appeal Decided
Target date for decision: 31 Oct 2023

Decision details

This case has not yet been decided.

Decision: Refuse Planning Permission/Consent
Decision date: 31 Oct 2023
Conditions and reasons:


The proposal, by reason of its design, siting and appearance, would fail to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of the Grade II listed building and cause less than substantial harm. There are no public benefits which would outweigh the harm identified and as such the proposal would be contrary to the NPPF and policy CL4 of the Local Plan, adopted September 2019.



Refused despite pre-app advice
To assist applicants in finding solutions to problems arising in relation to their development proposals the Local Planning Authority has produced planning policies, and provided written guidance, all of which are available on the Council's website, and offers a pre-application advice service. Pre-application advice was sought and provided. Unfortunately, this advice was not adhered to. Nevertheless, the Council is ready to enter into discussions with the applicants through the advice service to assist in the preparation of a new planning application.


Policies of Particular Relevance
You are advised that this application was determined by the Local Planning authority with regard to Development Plan policies including relevant policies contained within the London Plan, Local Plan 2019, and Neighbourhood Plans where relevant.

Committee details

Decision by: This case is currently due to be decided under delegated powers.

Appeal details

This case has not been appealed.

Planning Inspectorate reference number: Y/23/3335803 - 3335804
Appeal received: 20 Dec 2023
Appeal type: LBC (Listed Building Refusal)
Appeal procedure: W
Appeal start date: 06 Mar 2024
Deadline for comments to be received by the Planning Inspectorate: 10 Apr 2024
Appeal decision: ALL
Appeal decision date: 26 Jun 2024

Contact details

Planning case officer: Saima Iqbal
Planning team: North
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7361 3012

Comment on this application

The consultation period for this application has ended.

Documents related to case LB/23/05865