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Property details

Case reference: PP/01/00607
Address: 24 Campden Hill Gardens, LONDON, W8 7AZ
Ward: Campden
Polling district: 03
Listed Building Grade: N/A
Conservation area: Kensington

Applicant details

Applicant's name: Ron Neumunz,
Applicant company name: Reading and West Architects,
Contact address: 16-19 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN

Proposal details

Application type: PP (Planning permission)
Proposed development Erection of mansard roof addition.
Date received: 21 Mar 2001
Registration date:
(Statutory start date)
22 Mar 2001
Application status: Appeal Decided
Target date for decision: 17 May 2001

Decision details

This case has not yet been decided.

Decision: Refuse Planning Permission/Consent
Decision date: 17 May 2001
Conditions and reasons:

The proposed mansard roof addition, by reason of its location surmounting the unaltered roofline of the uniform terrace formed by No. 22-26 Campden Hill Gardens, would detract from the appearance of the building and terrace to the detriment of the character and appearance of the Kensington Conservation Area. Therefore, it is contrary to Council policy as set out in the Unitary Development Plan, in particular Chapter 4, Policies CD25, CD38, CD52 and CD53 and the recommendations of the Kensington Conservation Area Proposals Statement, in particular p.39 and p.53.


Relevant Policies Used
You are advised that a number of relevant policies of the Unitary Development Plan were used in the determination of this case, in particular, Policies CD25, CD28, CD30, CD38, CD39, CD52 and CD53, together with the recommendation of the Kensington Conservation Area Proposals Statement, in particular p.39 and p.53. (I51)

Committee details

Decision by: MEP (Members' Panel).

Appeal details

This case has not been appealed.

Planning Inspectorate reference number: A/01/1077702
Appeal received: 15 Nov 2001
Appeal type: REF (Refusal of Permission)
Appeal procedure: IH (Informal Hearing)
Appeal start date: 21 Nov 2001
Deadline for comments to be received by the Planning Inspectorate: 02 Jan 2002
Hearing/Inquiry date:12 Mar 2002
Appeal decision: DIS
Appeal decision date: 14 May 2002

Contact details

Planning case officer:
Planning team: North
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7361 3012

Comment on this application

The consultation period for this application has ended.

Documents related to case PP/01/00607

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