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Property details

Case reference: CON/21/03898
Address: 57 Princedale Road, LONDON, W11 4NP
Ward: Norland
Polling district: 11
Listed Building Grade:
Conservation area: Norland

Applicant details

Applicant's name: KINGSCASTLE LTD
Applicant company name: CLINCH DESIGN
Contact address: 21A ASKEW ROAD London W12 9AD

Proposal details

Application type: CON (Conditions)
Proposed development Details required by conditions 4 (submission of details), 5 (trees and landscaping), 10 (sound insulation), 14 (CCS), 15 (appointment of chartered engineer), 18 (CTMP) and 20 (part a) (contamination - long term monitoring) of planning permission 18/01556 (Refurbishment, reconfiguration and extension of public house, erection of a basement plus three storey infill to provide a new dwelling plus associated works of demolition, construction and excavation)
Date received: 14 Jun 2021
Registration date:
(Statutory start date)
14 Jun 2021
Public consultation ends: 23 Jul 2021
Application status: Decided
Target date for decision: 09 Aug 2021

Decision details

This case has not yet been decided.

Decision: Discharge of Conditions - Grant
Decision date: 26 Apr 2024
Conditions and reasons:


Unique text
You are advised that Condtions 14 (CCS) and Condition 15 (engineer) do not need to be formally discharged by the local planning authority but rather the requirements need to be complied with.


Unique text
You are advised to submit a lawful development certificate ifyou are of the view that the planning permission dated 12/06/2018 ref PP/18/01566 has been lawfully implemented. The determination of this discharge of condition application does not in any way prejudice any decision regarding the lawfulness of development and is merely determining the acceptability of the details submitted.


Unique text
This application only relates to Part A of Condition 20. Part B will need to be discharged during the course of the development/at a later stage. It is advised that within any future submission of Condition 20 (part b) and within the course of the development, you consider: Reference should be made to Condition 19, of PP/18/01556, which identifies actions that must be taken if unexpected contamination is encountered during the course of groundworks. Jomas, who have advised the applicant on land contamination issues, should consider using the Category 4 Screen Levels, instead of more conservative health based screening criteria. It is recommended that the applicant identifies whether basements are at risk from mains gas ingress and, if they are, ensures that basements are protected. This can usually be achieved using standard good practice measures, such as ensuring that any service penetrations are appropriately sealed and installing appropriate waterproofing. The submitted Jomas Reporting makes reference to out-of-date good practice guidance. Jomas should ideally update the reporting to refer to current versions of the guidance. It is recommended (by the UK Health Security Agency, for occupied residential uses) and required (by the HSE for occupied work spaces) that radon gas is periodically monitored in basements. The Council recommends against installing geotextiles at shallow depth within root protection areas, as they may become easily damaged and are likely to eventually be removed.


Unique text
The applicant has agreed that the Remedial Strategy and Verification Plan (v3.0 dated 26 April 2024) is the Long-term Monitoring Methodology Report, required by Part A of condition 20 and that the following additional actions will be undertaken during the course of the groundworks at the site, with full details to be included within the verification report. Soil sampling within root protection area: Within the root protection zone of the tree, at most only 150mm of soil is likely to be removed from the root protection zone, to prevent damage to the tree. On the assumption that 150mm of soil will be removed from most of the root protection area, a minimum of 5 sampling locations will be undertaken, with two samples being obtained from each location. Samples will be taken from the formation levels (i.e. about 150mm below final levels), around 300mm-400mm below formation levels and of any suspected contamination. At least three of the samples will be tested for a full suite of analyses, with the remainder targeting lead, asbestos, PAH's and any other substance found to be elevated at the site. Further guidance is available within the Council CLC2 (small-scale soil sampling) guidance. Soil testing of formation levels within the garden: Due to the limited level of intrusive site investigation work undertaken within the garden area, soil testing will be undertaken at the formation levels across the garden area, as part of the verification works. When the formation levels are inspected by an environmental consultant, before the placement of the proposed 600mm of soil/fill, 9 samples will be obtained from the formation levels of the garden. The locations of the samples will be equality distributed across the area. Rather than undertaking a full suite of analyses in each of the 9 samples, in line with Council's CLC2 guidance, the environmental consultant may choose to undertake 3 full suites of analyses, with the remainder targeting substances such as lead, asbestos, PAH's and any other substance found to be elevated at the site. The environmental consultant may also wish to consider taking further samples below the formation levels at depths of between 600mm and 1000mm beneath final garden levels. Radon: Details of the waterproofing measures installed, confirming that they will provide a suitable level of resistance to radon, will be provided within the verification reporting. Statement by onsite manager: A statement from the onsite manager of building works, confirming whether or not any potentially significant or significant contamination was encountered during ground works, will be included within the verification report. ÿ The applicant should consider whether additional soils testing and/or actions are needed, in additional to those set out above.

Committee details

Decision by: This case is currently due to be decided under delegated powers.

Appeal details

This case has not been appealed.

Planning Inspectorate reference number:
Appeal received:
Appeal type:
Appeal procedure:
Appeal start date:
Deadline for comments to be received by the Planning Inspectorate:
Appeal decision:
Appeal decision date:

Contact details

Planning case officer: Alice Culver
Planning team: North
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7361 3012

Comment on this application

The consultation period for this application has ended.

Documents related to case CON/21/03898