Close your MyRBKC Account

  1. Sign in to your account in three easy steps.

  2. Here's a step by step guide on how to reset your forgotten password.

  3. A step by step guide on how to change your password when signed into your MyRBKC Account.

  4. A step by step guide on how to update your personal details when signed in to you MyRBKC Account.

  5. A step by step guide on how to view your transactions or usage history.

  6. A step by step guide on how to set up or make changes to your email notification subscriptions.

  7. A step by step guide on how to close your MyRBKC Account.

How to close your MyRBKC Account

When you're ready to close your account, click or tap the 'Sign in' button and follow the on-screen instructions.

Sign in

You will need to:

  1. Enter your email address. The email address you used to create your MyRBKC Account.
  2. Enter your Password. The password you created when you created your MyRBKC Account.
  3. Click or tap the Sign in button.
  4. Click or tap My personal details.
  5. Click or tap Close my account.
  6. Select Yes to ‘Are you sure you wish to close your MyRBKC account?'
  7. You will receive an email to confirm your account is closed.

Last updated: 11 May 2022