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    Decisions results

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    Showing records 21 to 40 of 53

    Case number Address and details Ward Decision Decision date
    NMA/20/03965 127 Kensington High Street, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    Non-material amendment to planning permission PP/19/06226 () for addition of...
    Abingdon NMAR (Reject Non-Material Amendment(s)) 28 Aug 2020
    CON/20/01553 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    ... planning permission 17/01901(Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 04 Jun 2020
    NMA/20/01396 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    Non-material amendment to planning permission (Demolition and refurbishment...
    Abingdon NMAA (Accept Non-Material Amendment(s)) 17 Apr 2020
    PP/19/06226 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    Variation of Condition 2 (compliance with approved drawings) of planning permission...
    Abingdon S106 (Granted subject to legal agreement) 20 Dec 2019
    CON/19/03894 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 18 Sep 2019
    CON/19/01694 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 18 Apr 2019
    CON/19/01697 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 18 Apr 2019
    CON/19/01091 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 26 Mar 2019
    CON/19/01094 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 26 Mar 2019
    CON/18/08513 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon WDN (Withdrawn by Applicant) 13 Feb 2019
    CON/18/08515 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 13 Feb 2019
    CON/18/08517 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 13 Feb 2019
    CON/18/08518 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 13 Feb 2019
    CON/18/08527 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 13 Feb 2019
    CON/18/08503 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon WDN (Withdrawn by Applicant) 11 Feb 2019
    CON/18/08519 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon WDN (Withdrawn by Applicant) 11 Feb 2019
    CON/18/08525 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    ... permission 17/01901 (Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon WDN (Withdrawn by Applicant) 11 Feb 2019
    NMA/18/03977 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    ... planning permission 17/01901(Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon NMAA (Accept Non-Material Amendment(s)) 07 Aug 2018
    PP/17/01901 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wright's Lane, LONDON, W8 ...
    Demolition of Caffe Nero Pavilion; alteration, extension and refurbishment of 127 Kensington High Street and 15 Wrights Lane to form 5-storey building (retained...
    Abingdon S106 (Granted subject to legal agreement) 28 Mar 2018
    CA/07/01006 127 Kensington High Street, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    Installation of one internally illuminated fascia sign, one externally illuminated...
    Queens Gate GTD (Grant Planning Permission/Consent) 06 Jun 2007

    Appeals results

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    Showing records 1 to 3 of 3

    Case number Appeal reference Address and details Ward Appeal decision Appeal decision date
    PA/18/07206 W/19/3231613 Pavement outside 127 Kensington High Street, LONDON, W8 5SF ...
    Installation of public call box on pavement
    Abingdon DIS 26 Nov 2019
    PA/18/00459 W/18/3211987 127 Kensington High Street, LONDON W8 ...
    Installation of telephone kiosk on pavement
    Abingdon DIS 26 Jul 2019
    PA/17/01205 W/17/3186241 On highway outside 127 Kensington High Street, LONDON, W8 ...
    Installation of telephone kiosk on pavement
    Abingdon WDR 01 Jun 2018

    Planning Applications 1996-2004

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    Showing records 1 to 4 of 4

    Case reference Address
    PP/04/01942 127 Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SF
    PP/03/00670 Trotters Childrenswear, 127 Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SF
    CA/04/02393 127 Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SF
    CA/04/01943 127 Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SF

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