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Search keyword: PP/21/06400

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    Showing records 1 to 10 of 10

    Case number Address and details Ward Decision Decision date
    NMA/23/05250 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    Non-material amendment to planning permission PP/21/06400 (Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon NMAA (Accept Non-Material Amendment(s)) 27 Oct 2023
    CON/23/05519 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    ... remediation method statement) and 19 (contamination - long term monitoring statement) of planning permission PP/21/06400 Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon WDN (Withdrawn by Applicant) 13 Oct 2023
    CON/23/02636 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    Details required by Condition 14 (Contamination - site investigation scheme) of planning permission PP/21/06400 (Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon WDN (Withdrawn by Applicant) 17 May 2023
    CON/22/07314 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    ... preliminary risk assessment report) and 14 (Contamination - Site Investigation Scheme) of planning permission PP/21/06400 (Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 12 May 2023
    CON/23/01363 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    ... by Condition 26 (Construction Environmental Management Plan - Air Quality) of planning permisssion PP/21/06400 (Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 12 May 2023
    CON/23/01512 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    Details required by Condition 9 (Demolition Environmental Management Plan) of planning permission PP/21/06400 (Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 12 May 2023
    CON/23/01513 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    ... Condition 8 PART A (Flood Risk Assessment/Sustainable Drainage Systems Strategy) of planning permission PP/21/06400 (Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 12 May 2023
    CON/23/01301 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    Details required by Condition 5 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of planning permission PP/21/06400 (Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 20 Apr 2023
    CON/22/07711 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    Details required by Condition 23 (Protection of trees during construction) of planning permission PP/21/06400 (Demolition of building and redevelopment of site,...
    Abingdon DISY (Discharge of Conditions - Grant) 13 Feb 2023
    PP/21/06400 Avon House, Allen Street, LONDON, W8 6BL ...
    Demolition of building and redevelopment of site, to provide...
    Abingdon LEG (Granted subject to a legal agreement) 02 Sep 2022

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