Suppliers, contracts, transactions, equalities information and staff data

Using this data

As a public service organisation we are committed to transparency in all our dealings. On this page you will find information about our suppliers, contracts, transactions, equalities information and staff data. Some of the information on this page are links to other relevant sections of this website.

You are free to use this data, subject to the terms of the Open Government Licence. If you use this data, please cite the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea as the information provider.

Schedule of payments to suppliers (over £500)

2023 - Payments over £500 (April 2023 to March 2024)
2022 - Payments over £500 (April 2022 to March 2023)






2021 - Payments over £500 (April 2021 to March 2022)







2020 - Payments over £500 (April 2020 to March 2021)






2019 - Payments over £500 (April 2019 to March 2020)






2018 - Payments over £500 (April 2018 to March 2019)






2017 - Payments over £500 (April 2017 to March 2018)







2016 - Payments over £500 (April 2016 to March 2017)







2015 - Payments over £500 (April 2015 to March 2016)







Supplier payment and performance data

2022 – Supplier payment and performance data (April 2022 to March 2023)
Financial year Percentage invoices paid within 30 days Interest (£s) actually paid to suppliers Interest (£s) liable to be paid to suppliers Number of invoices not paid within 30 days
2022/2023 97.42% £0.00 £37,570 1,791


2021 - Supplier payment and performance data (April 2021 to March 2022)
Financial year Percentage invoices paid within 30 days Interest (£s) actually paid to suppliers Interest (£s) liable to be paid to suppliers Number of invoices not paid within 30 days
2021/2022 98.07% £0.00 £14,439 1,001


2020 - Supplier payment and performance data (April 2020 to March 2021)
Financial year Percentage invoices paid within 30 days Interest (£s) actually paid to suppliers Interest (£s) liable to be paid to suppliers Number of invoices not paid within 30 days
2020/21 98.03% £0.00 £24,904 1,180
2019 - Supplier payment and performance data (April 2019 to March 2020)
Financial year Percentage invoices paid within 30 days Interest (£s) actually paid to suppliers Interest (£s) liable to be paid to suppliers Number of invoices not paid within 30 days
2019/20 97.20% £0.00 £40,404 1,013
2018 - Supplier payment and performance data (April 2018 to March 2019)
Financial year Percentage invoices paid within 30 days Interest (£s) actually paid to suppliers Interest (£s) liable to be paid to suppliers Number of invoices not paid within 30 days
2018/19 97.87% £0.00 £6,764 479
All Invoices Interest (£'s) liable to be paid to suppliers Number of invoices not paid within 30 days Number of invoices paid within 30 days Total Invoices Percentage invoices paid within 30 days
VIM 6,724.44 472 7463 7935 94.1%
NON-VIM 39.50 7 14507 14514 100.0%
Total 6,763.94 479 21970 22449 97.9%

Our contracts

2021 - Contracts awarded (April 2021 to March 2022)





2020 - Contracts awarded (April 2020 to March 2021)



2019 - Contracts awarded (April 2019 to March 2020)




2018 - Contracts awarded (April 2018 to March 2019)





2017 - Contracts awarded (April 2017 to March 2018) 





2016 - Contracts awarded (April 2016 to March 2017) 





2015 - Contracts awarded (April 2015 to March 2016) 







2014 - Contracts awarded (April 2014 to March 2015) 



Invitations to tender

2019 - Invitations to tender



2016 - Invitations to tender




2015 - Invitations to tender






2014 - Invitations to tender

Waste Management Contracts

RBKC Contracts Register

The Contracts Register contains most of our contracted relationships with suppliers above £20,000. 

Find out more about the Council’s Contracts Register.


Council tax reduction scheme


Ward spend

Council assets

Use the property and site information search form to find the Council's property assets. 

Stock-holding councils have a statutory duty to account for their housing stock in the Housing Revenue Account and regularly carry out valuations. The published information is based on the most up-to-date valuation. It has been presented in a way designed to prevent individual addresses from being identified.

Salaries, expenses and allowances

The following document sets out the Council’s Pay Policy which will come into effect from 1 April 2023. The document also includes an extract of a report to Council setting out the context and requirements of a pay policy. The policy will be kept under review and updated as necessary.

Pay Policy 2024 - 2025

Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report by year

The Council has a statutory requirement to publish details of its gender pay gap by 30 of March each year, based on data from 31 March of the previous year. In addition, the Council also publishes an ethnicity pay gap. This report is one aspect of how the Council uses data to measure how inclusive and diverse we are as an employer. We also seek views of staff through regular surveys and analyse the composition of our workforce at different levels to identify the progress we have made and where further action is required. A wide range of activities are delivered through our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) strategy. Please see below reports by year:



The Council's constitution sets out how we operate and make decisions. It also contains the procedures that make sure the Council is efficient, transparent and accountable to local people

Council Organisational Structure

Details of the councils Management structure

Parking Reports

Our annual report sets out important facts and figures about our activities and policies

Counter Fraud Work

Local authorities must publish the following information under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 about their counter fraud work:

Information RBKC 17/18 RBKC 18/19 RBKC 19/20
Number of occasions they use powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers 105 72 121
Total number (absolute and full-time equivalent) of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud 6 6 5.5
Total number (absolute and full-time equivalent) of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists 4 6 5.5
Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud £343,710 £354,000 £534,500
Total number of fraud cases investigated 298 400 366

Equalities data, information and objectives

  • Data by topic.
  • Customer services - contains a range of data and information in response to customer exit surveys.
  • Education - schools data relating to attendance and performance.
  • Health and social care - contains a range of data relating to survey feedback and access to services.
  • Housing - narrative and charts covering equalities profile of access to housing services.
  • Workforce - data on the equalities profile of Council staff.

Transparency policy

The Council’s approach to transparency and expectations for our services around transparency is set out below:

Census 2011

See the findings from the last census in 2011 - reports by ward.

You can also

Last updated: 20 June 2024