Grenfell Recovery Strategy

Emotional health and wellbeing support for children and young people in North Kensington

Through the Grenfell Recovery programme, the Council funds a range of providers to deliver targeted emotional health and wellbeing services in 17 schools and a range of community- and school-based settings in North Kensington. These are mostly local, grassroots providers who offer counselling, art and other therapeutic support, group activities, after-school and holiday places, practical support, and wider work to support the wellbeing of children in primary and secondary schools.

In 2021, we conducted a wide-ranging consultation and engagement exercise and heard the views of 150 people, including children and young people, their families, schools, existing support providers and other community organisations, who all shared their views in various ways. You can read the consultation findings via our consultation portal.

We used this feedback to shape the new provision. As part of the Council’s commitment to increase the breadth and reach of this provision, the new arrangements include:

  • Continued funding for existing providers who deliver high quality emotional health and wellbeing support in schools and community-based settings;
  • New funding for community-based projects for children and young people.
Support in schools

Catholic Children’s Society

Specialist early intervention counselling/therapy during which they also work with parents and carers to provide effective and insightful support to children. To learn more please email [email protected] or call 0208 969 5305


Emotional and practical support for boys and young men. They focus on work with boys and men who face structural discrimination and disadvantage, including of race, income, and community. To learn more please email [email protected] or call 0207 237 5353

Latimer Community Art Therapy

A clinical Art Psychotherapy service for children and adolescents in school on a one to one and group session basis. To learn more please email [email protected] or visit their website.

Place 2 Be

One-to-one and group counselling for pupils, parents and school staff, focusing on the promotion of positive wellbeing, and enabling children to focus on learning. They have a range of bespoke programmes delivered in schools. To learn more about what is being delivered in your child’s school, please visit their website or call 0207 923 5500.

Community-based services

Community-based provision is in place and includes:

Kids on the Green

Work with children and young people aged 11-21, delivering a unique fusion of Arts Education and wellbeing support including workshops and classes in performance and creative Arts, alongside complementary therapy and mental health providers.  KotG use the Arts to develop confidence, creativity, self-esteem, and artistic excellence. You can learn more by emailing [email protected].

Latimer Community Art Therapy (at the Henry Dickens Centre)

A safe space for children and young people after school and in the holidays, with educational, creative, and physical activities underpinned with the art psychotherapy services. Additional emotional health and wellbeing activities have also been developed. You can learn more by visiting their website.

New projects in the community

The focus of the new projects is to celebrate young people's voices and support resilience in the context of Grenfell Recovery. 

This provision aims to support improvements to children and young people’s emotional health and well being, and promote their participation in other areas of life, including employment, training and education. 

Grants were awarded in December 2021 and children and young people were directly involved in the process, ensuring the new projects reflected their views, voices and priorities.

These projects are due to start in the coming weeks and include:

The Clement James Centre

Work with children aged 7-18yrs who would benefit from academic support, one-to-one counselling and one-to-one literacy and numeracy sessions. 

You can find out more by emailing them at [email protected].


Baraka delivers a rolling programme of girls-only multi-physical, sporting and healthy living activities programmes for somali, muslim and other black, asian and multi-ethnic girls aged between 11 and 25 years of age. 

To learn more, visit their website or email  them at [email protected]


Their Wellbeing Coach delivers group work sessions, as well as one-to-one support for children and young people aged 13 to 21, delivered twice a week during term-time at the Rugby Portobello Youth Club. Sessions focus on raising awareness of personal wellbeing and using the creative arts as a medium to help young people to learn ways to manage and improve their wellbeing.

To find out more, please email [email protected]  or telephone at 020 7229 2928.

Youth Action Alliance

‘More Than A Woman’ is a girls-only youth group promoting life skills, wellbeing and female empowerment. The project is for 13-15 year old girls from North Kensington who were affected by the Grenfell tragedy, helping them to transition into the next stage of their lives in a positive way. 

To learn more, please email them at [email protected]


Flourish is a school holiday art programme for local families with primary school-aged children. It takes place at ACAVA's Maxilla Walk Studios and offers a space for families to get creative and enjoy learning new skills with professional artists. Workshops usually last about two hours and run during school half-terms and holidays with each workshop exploring a different theme. 

If you are interested to join in, please email [email protected]  to get in touch with a member of the team.

Caravan Theatre

Caravan Theatre is running a three-year project, commencing in Spring 2022 called ‘Caravan Theatre: OUR VOICES’, which looks to create, make, inspire and share brilliant stories - with young people from our local community of North Kensington at the heart of the project. Celebrating the voices and talent of local young people, the project is for young people in North Kensington in Key Stage 2, in local primary schools as well as for older youth (aged 16 to18) in local community centres based in North Kensington.

If you would like to learn more, please visit their website , or if you’d like to be involved, send them an email to [email protected] – putting ‘OUR VOICES’ in the subject line. 

Last updated: 6 September 2024