Grenfell Recovery Strategy

Grenfell Legacy Rehousing and Allocations Project

The Resident Reference Group

The Grenfell Rehousing and Allocations Project aims to improve residents’ experience of the Council’s housing services. It looks to build on learning from Grenfell to create longer-term change, using the knowledge and perspectives of residents with experience of the rehousing process to improve housing services for everyone.

A Resident Reference Group (RRG) for the project was established in 2021. The RRG is a panel of residents and community partners, with 119 members and meets every other month with housing officers. Members of the RRG are RBKC tenants, residents placed in temporary accommodation by the Council and community partners with experience of working with residents.

This mechanism is the first of its kind in Housing Needs. Through regular RRG meetings, housing officers at all levels hear direct feedback from residents about their experience and work with them to shape solutions.

Outcomes of the project

The RRG members dictate the direction of the group and the issues that are covered so that the sessions are as meaningful and impactful as possible. To do this, a 12-month workplan is created by the group at the beginning of each work cycle. Since the group’s formation, the RRG has: 

  • contributed to make changes to the allocation of mobility access properties
  • the development of a new Allocations scheme, including contributing to the addition of waiting points
  • pushed the Council to regularly publish lettings data and develop bite sized videos about Housing Options and Home Connections
  • supported the introduction of a quarterly newsletter for residents in temporary accommodation
  • worked with the Council to implement call recording and monitoring for all frontline teams
  • identified a training need and supportd the service to create relevant training and induction material for new starters
  • reviewed the Council's suite of rent arrears letters to provide feedback and make improvements
  • highlighted confusion around the temporary accommodation repairs process, resulting in the inclusion of an eplanationof the process in the following edition of the newsletter

If you would like to find out more, please email [email protected].

Last updated: 22 August 2024