Grenfell Recovery Strategy

Grenfell Housing Legacy Fund

In December 2020, the Council agreed to establish a new £1m Grenfell Housing Legacy Fund to support initiatives for residents in Council-owned properties or placed by the Council in temporary accommodation in Notting Dale ward. 

The following estates/property groupings have been allocated localised budgets based on their size. We have invited residents living on these estates to put forward ideas for how they would like their budget to be spent, suggestions will then be put forward to residents to decide which ones to take forward.

  • Lancaster West
  • Silchester
  • Henry Dickens Court
  • Nottingwood House
  • Allom and Barlow
  • Bramley House
  • Whitchurch and Blechynden Houses
  • Council owned properties in and around Eastry and Foreland
  • Council owned properties in and around Hesketh and Runcorn
  • Properties at Stable way

What can be funded and how will the projects be delivered?

The fund can cover projects that fall into at least one of these themes and projects can be physical improvements or a service; 

  • Projects that increase economic opportunities for residents.
  • Projects that focus on sustainability, the environment, and green spaces.
  • Projects that focus on community safety. 
  • Projects that promote inclusion and accessibility. 
  • Projects that promote residents having their own voice. 
  • Projects that provide opportunities and support for Children and Young People

Some ideas which have already met the criteria of the fund include a refurbishing an unused space to create a new community centre, creating a sensory garden and establishing food growing initiatives. Other examples of project ideas could include a young person led community mental health service, community-based artwork to improve public spaces and setting up a skills library.

Communication with residents 

We are at different stages of finalising project ideas with some already finalised on some estates whilst others are still being identified with residents.

If  you live in one of the estates or in properties named above and you have a project idea or would like to know about the project idea for your estate, contact [email protected] and the team will be happy to help you.

Last updated: 23 February 2023